Company Profile Mold Design Processing Technology Custom Made Contact Us

Design and processing technology
to meet the full requirements of the modern age

It is the era of rapidly reformed for every industrial technology. In the plastic processing industries, the technicians are looking for new technology to produce the complex shape and high precision products at low cost with rapid quantification. Shikoku continues to introduce advanced technology, with our elite technicians to make plastic products processing diversification and efficiency possible.

In recent years, polymer as the high-performance materials, the engineering plastics are widely applied in household appliances, automobile parts, office automation equipment and special equipment in the field. We have in virtue of the production of high quality molds and to active in the industry of SOKEIZAI (material processing technology).

Home AppliancesRefrigerator, Washing Machine, Air Conditioner
Office EquipmentsFax, Computer, Printer
AutomobileMechanical Box and other parts
Professional EquipmentsMachinery Parts
Daily GroceriesDaily Necessities

Numerical Control Equipment, high speed MC processing machine and 3D CAD/CAM are all available, we also capable of producing small precision mold and maximum 5 ton mold (1500 ton molding machine).

Utilizes our wealth of experiences in molding design, we can provide it from product development, samples and mass production as well as follow-up services.